Beautiful Nails ♥ Don’t Bite Them

I had a really bad habbit of bitting my nails, But I always wished my nails were beautiful and long. They show femininity and beauty, my bitten down nails looked so bad and I couldn’t apply nail polish to them, the nail polish only made them look worse.

So I made an effoort to stop bitting my nails at first I was using Mavala Stop nail polish, It works just like a nail polish, its a clear coat but once you put your fingers into your mouth it tastes so bad you won’t want to bit your nails again.

Mavala Stop helped me to notice when I was putting my nails into my mouth, so I was able to stop biting them.


When I had control over my biting. I used Sally Hansen’s clear miricale grow nail polish to help my nails grow faster, from this point I had to maintain my nails by filing them every week. The nail polish should be applied everyday for the best results. I still use this product when I feel like my nails need a bit of a boost. I love this product.


Now I can paint my nails and experiment with patterns and colour. I hope this has helped the nail bitters out there.

The Nail polishes Ive used here are, Chanel Distraction, Sally Hansen’s French White tip nail polish and Ciiate nail beads.

 (Photo from

 I love this coral colour from Chanel I love this colour on everything.image


I used a bright green to pick up on the subtle hints on lime green om my dress. Nail polish colours are from Primark.imageimage

I also love the simple French tip. Classic.image

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